About Drew

Drew completed his undergraduate work at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville completing with a major in History Education and a Strong Social Science minor. He has a Master’s degree from Western Illinois University in Instructional Design and Technology. For the first 9 years of Drew’s career, he was a 6-12 teacher who taught middle school social science, literature, language arts, writing, was an RTI specialist, and computer applications. During this time, he also taught high school history, civics, government, world history, computer applications, desktop publishing & audio/video production. In a previous district, Drew had been a part-time tech coach as well. Drew left the K-12 environment in the Fall of 2016 to take a position in Information Technology Services at Knox College as a Technology Integration and User Services Specialist. Soon after, Drew found himself as the Director of Technology Services at Carl Sandburg College; however, when a position at United Junior High School was opened up for an Instructional Coach, Drew made the needed transition to pursue his passion: Instructional Design.

The instructional coaching model adopted by United Junior High School has been quite successful since it’s inception. Drew has presented United’s coaching initiative at ICE, WITcon, and has been a resource for other area districts adopting instructional coaching. Although the program is still in its infancy, Drew can offer his insights on how to establish an effective program, the roles and relationships that have to be developed, the trust that must be fostered for a successful rollout, the shifts needed in instruction our classrooms today, and what such a program might look like as we move forward. Moreover, Drew can offer details in the relationships that a coach must have with the building administrator, as well as the teachers that he works with on a daily basis. 

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to contact Drew.
